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Raising child in problematic family

Autor Magdaléna Jílková
Organisation Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích, Pedagogická fakulta, Katedra pedagogiky a psychologie
Year 2016
Research type bachelor thesis
Annotation The bachelor thesis is about and focusing on different kind of problems in different kind of families. The target of this Bachelor thesis is to find out particular problems, their cause, impact on bringing up children, how they cope with a situation and what help they are receiving. Theoretic part is about demarcation of the basic theorem family, it's function and defining of problems. Practical parts consist of qualitative research, which was taken based on half structured interview and process to form of statements of individual respondents.
Keywords child, function, problem, family, raising and help
Research type qualitative
Start date
End date
Obor AM Pedagogy, education, AN Psychology, AO Sociology, demography
Availability available in the NRVDM electronic library
Download research 1506345423.pdf
Organisation Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích, Pedagogická fakulta, Katedra pedagogiky a psychologie
Possible connection Children and Youth Ratio in population
Number of children and young people
Expected numbers of children and young people
(Summer) recovery activities (form of summer camps)
Registry administrator Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports
Operator Národní pedagogický institut ČR
In cooperation Czech Council of Children and Youth
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