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Journeys to adulthood: Psychological and social characteristics of today's twenty years old people

Autor Ježek Stanislav, Lacinová Lenka, Macek Petr
Organisation IVDMR FSS MU
Year 2016
Research type monograph
Annotation The Monograph Journeys to Adulthood: Psychological and Social Characteristics of Today's Twenties presents a look at various forms of transition from adolescence to adulthood of the current young generation in the Czech Republic. The book updates current knowledge of how today's young people become adults and how they experience this process. In addition to describing the development of independence and identity in this period, the monograph focuses on mapping the issues of young people's relationships with parents, the area of ​​partnership, as well as studies and professional careers. Through the presentation of the results of the five-year longitudinal study - Journeys to Adulthood: Longitudinal Research into Developmental Trajectories and Predictors of Autonomy and Identity (GAP407 / 12/0854) the monograph provides information on how young people feel at a time that is characterized by a high degree of freedom for their own life choices and which provides a large number of ways to reach adulthood.
Keywords autonomy, emerging adulthood, identity, personality development, engagement, youth
Research type continual research
Start date
End date
Obor AN Psychology
Availability available by the researcher
Research location IVDMR FSS MU, Joštova 10, Brno
Organisation IVDMR FSS MU
Possible connection Children and Youth Ratio in population
Number of children and young people
Expected numbers of children and young people
Number of addressed clients by the Youth Information Centres network
International youth cooperation
Registry administrator Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports
Operator Národní pedagogický institut ČR
In cooperation Czech Council of Children and Youth
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