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Agressivity of children in after school care club and at school

Autor Šárka Ceralová
Organisation Univerzita Hradec Králové, Pedagogická fakulta, Katedra sociální pedagogiky
Year 2017
Research type master thesis
Annotation The thesis deals with the topical issues of aggression of children in after-school care centre and at school. The objective of thesis is to describe and, on the basis of expert sources, analyse aggressive behaviour of children within the context of school environment. Futhermore, the work aims to investigate the attitudes of pedagogues to aggressive behaviour of school-age children. The theoretical part outlines the basic concepts used throughout the work, the causes and possible effects on aggression of children as well as the theories of aggression. Furthermore, it clarifies the types of aggression according to various criteria. The work explains the typology of aggressors and victims on which an effective prevention can be based. The thesis also presents specific methods dealing with aggressive behaviour. It discusses the theme of bullying which is considered one of the most common types of aggression taking place at school. More specifically, signals of bullying, its stages of development, solutions and prevention are discussed. The empirical part was carried out on the basis of questionnaires with teachers and educators of primary schools in Pardubice and Hradec Králové regions. The objective was to determine the opinions and attitudes of teachers and educators to aggressive behaviour among school children.
Keywords aggression, child, youth, violence, bullying, school, after-school club
Research type quantitative
Start date
End date
Obor AM Pedagogy, education, AN Psychology
Availability available in the NRVDM electronic library
Download research 1508774555.pdf
Organisation Univerzita Hradec Králové, Pedagogická fakulta, Katedra sociální pedagogiky
Possible connection Children and Youth Ratio in population
Number of children and young people
Expected numbers of children and young people
Number of addressed clients by the Youth Information Centres network
Pre-school education - number of schools, classes, children
Registry administrator Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports
Operator Národní pedagogický institut ČR
In cooperation Czech Council of Children and Youth
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