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Different worlds of teachers and parents: interaction with parents as a source of teacher stress

Autor Veronika Pavlas Martanová, Olga Konůpková
Organisation PF UK
Year 2019
Research type paper in Journal
Annotation The aim of the empirical study is to describe what factors identified primary school teachers as a source of stress in contact with parents. The paper presents the conclusions of the analysis of a part of the research data - Teacher burnout - institutional, relational and intrapsychic factors. Data from 45 interviews with teachers from 12 elementary schools were analyzed.
Keywords parents, communication, burnout syndrom, teachers
Research type qualitative
Start date
End date
Obor AM Pedagogy, education
Availability available by the researcher
Research location Univerzita Karlova, Pedagogická fakulta, Katedra psychologie, Myslíkova 7, Praha 1
Organisation PF UK
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Registry administrator Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports
Operator Národní pedagogický institut ČR
In cooperation Czech Council of Children and Youth
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