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"Bad girls" or vulnerable girls? How do we see girls in special education programmes?

Autor Pavla Doležalová
Organisation Centrum epidemiologického a klinického výzkumu závislostí, Národní ústav duševního zdraví
Year 2019
Research type paper in Journal
Annotation The paper addresses the vulnerability of adolescent girls in preventive and therapeutic programmes of special education. At first, adolescence is defined in terms of vulnerability and the concept of vulnerability is brought into closer focus. There are also some differences in the vulnerability of girls and boys. The study focuses on selected areas of vulnerability of adolescent girls and adolescent mothers, such as risky behaviours and stigmatization. Subsequently, the article presents areas of risk and protective factors. Attention is also paid to the main vulnerability indicators of adolescent girls. Possibilities of prevention, early intervention, psychotherapy and treatment are outlined by the schema. The paper may be appropriate for good practice and research.
Keywords vulnerability, adolescent girls, vulnerability indicators, risk and protection factors, adolescence, risky behavior
Research type qualitative
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Obor AM Pedagogy, education
Availability available by the researcher
Research location Centrum epidemiologického a klinického výzkumu závislostí, Národní ústav duševního zdraví, Topolová 748, Klecany
Organisation Centrum epidemiologického a klinického výzkumu závislostí, Národní ústav duševního zdraví
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Registry administrator Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports
Operator Národní pedagogický institut ČR
In cooperation Czech Council of Children and Youth
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