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What do you think about ... Prejudices in Czech society and how to work effectively with them in school

Autor Katarina Hoření a kol.
Organisation Ústav pro studium totalitních režimů a Sociologický ústav AV ČR
Year 2018
Research type research report
Annotation Two institutions conducted the research about the situation in the Czech Republic. The team from the Institute for the Study of Totalitarian Regimes focused on the state of formal education and how programs aimed at the prevention of xenophobia and prejudices against Roma and Jews work, and they created a set of recommendations mainly for organizations that fund these kind of programs. The team from the Sociological Institute worked with the available data about attitudes towards Roma and Jews in Czech society. The final report, available at, has the following sections: • A1) A summary of the information available about the organizations that work on education about Jews and Roma in the Czech Republic • A2) An outline of the institutional framework in which tolerance education in the Czech school system plays out • A3) The results of the qualitative research on the organizations and schools and the recommendations based on it • B) Studies about Czech societal stances towards Roma and Jews In the first part of the research, the team at the Institute for the Study of Totalitarian Regimes created a list of organizations concerned with Romani and Jewish issues that at the same time also deal with education. We got ideas about the organizations from public sources — lists of supporting organizations in various places, from regional coordinators for Roma minority issues to recommendations from members of project boards. Out of this basic information, we managed to find 132 organizations, of which only 14 responded to our questionnaire. We did, however, make use of publicly available information on all of them, for example their regional distribution, in our final report.
Keywords tolerance, attitudes, minorities, Roma, society, prejudices
Research type unrepeated research
Start date
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Obor AD Politology and political sciences
Availability other
Research location K dispozici na webu:
Organisation Ústav pro studium totalitních režimů a Sociologický ústav AV ČR
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Registry administrator Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports
Operator Národní pedagogický institut ČR
In cooperation Czech Council of Children and Youth
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