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Possibilities for researching the integration of Vietnamese children in Czechia: the example of Prague-Kunratice elementary school

Autor Eva Janská, Alena Průšvicová, Zdeněk Čermák
Organisation Univerzita Karlova v Praze, Přírodovědecká fakulta, katedra sociální geografie a regionálního rozvoje
Year 2011
Research type study
Annotation In the Czech Republic there is a rise of 1.5. and the second generation of Vietnamese, ie. the children who came to the Czech Republic with their parents or born here already. Since the process of integration of parents and their children into society important to the further development of relations between the majority and minority companies. The aim of this article is based on surveys among a selected sample of Vietnamese children explore the current status of their integration into society, to identify important factors that promote or hinder integration and contribute to the wider debate on this issue. In the questionnaire survey among Vietnamese students and a control group of Czechs were set out five areas: ethnicity, language skills, school and leisure time, social relationships and discrimination, family and community. Research shows that Vietnamese children successfully integrate into mainstream society. This is particularly true in the area of cultural integration, identification, institutional and social. Only in terms of settlement / spatial integration can be observed some degree of separation.
Keywords immigration – integration – 1.5 and second generation immigrants – Vietnamese – integration factors
Research type qualitative , quantitative
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Obor AC Anthropology, archeology, ethnology , AM Pedagogy, education, AO Sociology, demography
Availability available in the NRVDM electronic library
Download research 1432571066.pdf
Organisation Univerzita Karlova v Praze, Přírodovědecká fakulta, katedra sociální geografie a regionálního rozvoje
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Registry administrator Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports
Operator Národní pedagogický institut ČR
In cooperation Czech Council of Children and Youth
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