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Teaching of basic first aid in interests departments for exracullicular education

Autor Eva Dvořáková
Organisation Masarykova univerzita, Pedagogická fakulta, Katedra výchovy ke zdraví
Year 2015
Research type master thesis
Annotation Main purpose is a development of a quality educational and informative workbook on administration of first aid for teachers in extracurricular classes that includes a series of worksheets for students that will present instructions in a form of fun and play that will provide important information and may encourage lifelong interest. Theoretical part is developed for a benefit of a general understanding and importance of first aid and different aspects of first aid. Importance is given to legislative implications applicable to methods of administering first aid. Furthermore this theoretical part explains role of a teacher in an extracurricular classes and provides short history of a development of a free time. Practical part introduces a series of worksheets, teaching tools, that should provide teachers with a quality material for an instruction and teaching of first aid and at the same time will test a level of understanding of first aid of students a Level 1 of an Elementary Education System.
Keywords work sheets, first aid, teaching, interes department, žák
Research type qualitative
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Obor AM Pedagogy, education, AQ Security and health protection
Availability available in the NRVDM electronic library
Download research 1488114273.pdf
Organisation Masarykova univerzita, Pedagogická fakulta, Katedra výchovy ke zdraví
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